Who’s the cook?
Decide who is going to be mainly using the space and work the kitchen plan around them. Even flatplack kitchens can give you the opportunity to adjust things like bench height and cupboard depth so that you’re not bending and stretching unnecessarily.

Appliance science
Choose appliances that work for the way you prepare food. There’s no point having a massive double oven or six-burner cooktop if most of the time you cook for just a couple of people. Image: Sydney Kitchens.

Work it
It’s been rather outmoded of late, but the kitchen’s working triangle is still a good basic principle to follow. You need the fridge, cooktop and sink to be within easy reach of other so you’re not running the equivalent of a marathon every time you prepare a meal.

Storage solutions
Collate your storage. A good rule of thumb is to count up all your kitchen paraphernalia – including benchtop appliances – and add around 20 per cent to work out how much shelf and drawer space you need.

High style
Avoid very high storage areas that require access via a step-stool unless you have pieces purely for display, or items you need but use only very occasionally. It’s far better to keep everything you use often within easy reach.

Quick on the drawer
Invest in drawers for your base cabinets. Not only can they hold much more than shelves, there’s less chance of items getting lost at the back of a dusty cupboard.

Inside information
In-drawer organisers are essential to keep your clutter corralled. Look for specialty inserts that will allow you to arrange things just as you need; for example, keen cooks might love an easy access selection of spices.

On the bench
Factor in plenty of bench space. You can be the neatest cook in the world and you’ll still find you need to spread out a bit when you’re following a tricky recipe.

Time for tea
Consider including a tea and toast station, as in this Sydney Kitchens space. The kettle and toaster are among the most-used appliances – and not just by the cook. Careful positioning will keep those in search of a snack out of the main cookzone.
In search of more kitchen inspiration? Check out this whole kitchen here.