
How to get organised

A guide to organisational bliss
Shania Shegedyn

Organisation is one of the most underrated elements of a beautiful home – clearing the clutter doesn’t just look good, it can be beneficial for our health and wellbeing. Stylist and professional organiser Sarah Shanahan shares her top tips for getting (and staying) organised. (And yes, that’s a real job!)

1. Give it a name

A well-labelled, zoned pantry sets the tone for the rest of the home. It will save you time, money, stress and most of all, create a sense of calm and order in the busiest area of your home. This will then flow onto other areas of your home,” says Sarah. 

2. Let go

Have only items in your home that you need, use and love. Your home should be filled with things that bring joy, so donate or sell items that don’t – we tend to hang onto way too much stuff!'”

3. Designate a drop-zone

Sarah says, “Leave a ‘dump it here’ basket in the laundry for outgoing items, books, dry cleaning and returns. As this builds up, take them to the car and get it done.”

4. Stay stray-free

“Keep horizontal surfaces clutter-free. Invest in a basket to keep stray objects in as this helps keeps things visually calm and organised. No one wants to see random objects strewn about the place.”

5. Draw the line

Zone your home into definable areas and don’t blur the lines! Please, no bills on the kitchen bench. If you don’t have room for an office, set up an office box in the kitchen, dining or family room but keep it in its place!” 

6. Get a room

Make your bedroom a calm, clutter-free sanctuary. Don’t let it be a dumping ground for wayward items. The room that you wake up in, and end the day in should be peaceful and free from excess stuff,” Sarah explains.

7. Cull, cull, cull

“Cull items regularly, especially kids stuff. Each season go through items that no longer fit or have not been worn and donate. Someone else will be truly thankful,” Sarah suggests. 

8. Make it a habit

“Establish a routine of tidying up and returning objects to their ‘home’ at the end of each day, just a 10 minute tidy up is all it takes. You’ll have a calm, organised home in no time.”

For more organisational inspiration, click here.

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