It’s important to strike the right balance between a connection to the rest of your home and providing an element of privacy for your guests. A glamorous injection of decorative style doesn’t hurt either!
More than a quick freshen up by opening a window when preparing your room for the arrival of guests, getting the décor right goes a long way towards making your friends and family feel at home in your home.
Put your best foot forward with some thoughtful planning as to how you can impress your guests with style as well as comfort.

1. Make the best bed you can afford
In a perfect world you can buy a new bed for the guest room but realistically, your guest bed is more likely to be one retired from the master- or another bedroom. It may need a little love, therefore, to prepare it for occasional use by visitors. Give it a good airing and ensure it rests evenly on the floor.
2. Fresh bedlinen
A fresh mattress protector is essential for freshness and comfort, as is your best set of clean sheets. Spare blankets as a must too – even in warm weather – as your visitors adjust to your local climate. Decorative throws and a new set of pillows provide a welcome touch.

3. Lamp
A bedside lamp is indispensable for both task lighting and reading before retiring. It also positions a light handy to the bed in an unfamiliar darkened room. This is an affordable purchase to make when dressing up a guest bedroom – match the shade to bedlinen or bring in a touch of bling with a glass base, a metallic finish, or perhaps a pop of colour.
4. Armchair
An armchair is a houseguest’s bed friend. From a catchall for jackets and handbags, to somewhere to pull on tights, it says “welcome” from the get-go and adds a touch of style to the room décor. Even a statement chair borrowed from another room works well as a short-term solution.

5. Window coverings
Everyone is different in terms of how they sleep and wake so it’s difficult to know what kind of natural light is adequate for your guests. Ensure flexible options where window coverings are concerned to allow them to meter light themselves morning and night. Even a simple curtain rail with tab curtains provides privacy, warmth and light control.

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