If it’s time to declutter your kids’ room but the task seems overwhelming, here’s a list of the usual suspects at the root of the problem. These items are likely cluttering up the space and your first step is to banish them and get started on a full-scale clearout.
If you have the time or it’s during school holidays, enlist the help of your kids for some of these tasks to tidy and refresh their rooms. You’ll be surprised at how fun this process can be, but a gentle warning: you may find it’s you, not your children who are hanging on to things that no longer hold their interest!
1. Broken toys
Be realistic and ruthless. Ask yourself and the kids how long the toy has been out of action. If you haven’t fixed it by now, out it goes!
2. Dried out coloured markers
This is a great job for your kids to help with as they’ll already know which ones to cull. Give them a big piece of butcher’s paper for testing and two containers – one for “keep” and one for “chuck”, then let ’em at it!
3. Socks without a pair
Get rid of the ones you’re sure about and take any dubious loners back to the laundry. If it’s still there in two weeks, bin it!
4. Shabby stuffed animals
This might be a tricky one for your kids to part with. Reason with them that you’re making room for more toys and gifts and suggest they can go on to other kids who need them more.

5. Worn-down crayons
Really? Life is too short!
6. Board games with missing pieces
Again a great one for your kids to help with. Reward them at the end and sit down to play their choice of a board game.
7. Outdated trinkets
Handmade art, holiday souvenirs, found objects. You may need a holding pattern for these to disappear temporarily and if they’re not missed, bin them.

8. Books they’ve outgrown
Definitely, one for the kids to help with the cull and a lovely hand-me-down to families with younger kids. Pull every single book out of the shelf and put them in a pile in front of your child. Ask them to make two new piles of “keep” and “chuck”. You might be surprised!
9. Last season’s sporting uniforms
Must go! If you usually downgrade them to training gear, it’s time to get rid of last season’s training gear.
10. Shoes that no longer fit
Easy. If they’re still in good condition, hand them down to a friend or cousin.

Grab a tub or washing basket and dump as you go, then tip the whole lot into the bin and don’t look back! This kind of instant gratification will hopefully spark a good cleanup of your kids’ room and the rest will follow.
Look for clever ways to keep your kids room clutter-free with colourful cabinetry and stylish, simple solutions such as the best shelves for children’s rooms to keep things in order over time.
Shop storage to declutter your kids’ room

Kaspar storage trunk, Freedom
Paint this sturdy storage trunk or leave a natural finish for kids to sit and store toys to their heart’s content.

3 in 1 sensory play table, Mocka
You’d never know this sleek timber table hides endless ideas for creative play. Flip the lids to reveal chalkboards plus tubs for toys, building blocks, paint, clay, even sand! Easy to clean and designed and made right here in Australia.

Basic wall hook set of 3, Bed Bath N’ Table
Hang everything from hats and scarves to schoolbags and sports gear from these stylish hooks.

Room Copenhagen LEGO brick drawer, Amazon
It couldn’t be easier to find a place in their bedroom for all that LEGO! Choose from a rainbow of colours to suit your kids’ room.

Faber Castell connector pens, 50 pack, Big W
Packing away is half the fun with these colourful connector pens. The click-clack is addictive!

Lowa medium square storage basket, Country Road
A place for everything… This roomy and stylish basket will impress kids and grownups alike.