Home Christmas

Inside interior designer Anna Spiro’s brilliant Christmas home

Explore a handmade and sustainable approach - with all the trimmings!
Martina Gemmola

Here at Home Beautiful, we absolutely love Christmas so it should come as no surprise that our favourite tastemakers do, too. Interior designer and HB monthly columnist, Anna Spiro was gracious enough to invite us (and you) into her home, to share her personal approach to festive decor.

We chat to Anna about how she celebrates Christmas in her home. After all, that’s what the holidays are all about. It’s a time to embrace the unique quirks of your family and simply celebrate being together, in style.

Anna Spiro home Christmas tree with wallpaper fan decorations
The tree decorations perfectly complement the decor in this room, with a Belem Lett artwork, titled ‘Move Me’, taking centre stage above the fireplace. (Credit: Martina Gemmola)

Formal or no fuss? “No fuss.”
What’s on the menu? “Usually fresh seafood, glazed ham and roast chicken with salads.” 
Your best Christmas dinnerware is… “It depends if we’re having Christmas at the beach or in the city. This year, we are having Christmas at our home in Melbourne with the table set on our veranda using our green-and-yellow splatter plates I bought in Italy.”

Top of your gift wish list… “I’d love the new book What a Beautiful World by Isabelle d’Ornano, co-founder of Sisley Paris.”
Your go-to host gift is… “Flowers – always.”
Your signature gift-wrap style? “I like to recycle old wallpaper that we often have leftover from shop displays and installs for gift wrapping.”
What’s on your Christmas playlist? “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas and The Christmas Song by Lauren Daigle.”
What’s your decorating style? “Colourful, playful, energetic, maximalist.”
What is your favourite tree decoration (we all have one!)? “The decorations my children made me when they were younger.”

“Our Christmas tradition is to get a gingerbread house that we all demolish and devour over the few days of Christmas”

Anna Spiro

Anna repurposed leftover fabric and wallpaper to make striking rosette decorations for her tree in her Melbourne home. Want this look for your tree? You can buy them at Spiro Store.

Anna Spiro handmade Chrsitmas decorations made with wallpaper
(Credit: Martina Gemmola)

Favourite Christmas candle or fragrance? “Carrière Frères Xmas Candle – Laos Benzoin & Siberian Fir from Le Salon Aux Fleurs – my favourite perfume, candle and flower store in Melbourne.”

Favourite tipple to serve (or drink)… “A Christmas punch is always fun.”

What’s your best advice for a stress-free Christmas day? “Keep it simple and don’t overcomplicate it all.”

For Christmas, there’s no place I’d rather be than… “With my family either at Stradbroke Island or in Melbourne.”


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