The backyard has space for everyone with a sun-soaked patio, grassy area, pool and cubby-house. The cubby-house came with the home when they bought it and is much-loved by the family.

Living room
Their home has beautiful stained-glass front door and soaring ornate ceilings. Framed photos of friends and family imbue the room with warmth, as do the couple’s treasured works of art, collected over many years. Natalie’s favourite Jonathan Adler ‘Whitaker’ chair and ottoman, together with an oversized ‘Chelsea’ pendant from Surround, take centre stage. “My yellow chair is the only thing that’s off-limit to the kids. No-one can ruin my chair!” ~ Natalie

The old dreary room was renovated and Natalie and her husband changed the carpet, painted the walls [in Dulux ‘Namadji’], did up the fireplace and added new curtains. The world-map wallpaper provides a constant source of discussion among the clan.

It’s no surprise that Natalie relishes taking time out in her sumptuous dressing-room, illuminated by a bright yellow ‘Esquelet’ chandelier from Fenton & Fenton. Natalie calls it her sanctuary and chose a simple palette for this room; monochrome, neutrals and greys with a pop of colour.

Main bedroom
In the main bedroom, an eye-catching black-and-white landscape by Archibald Prize winner Fiona Lowry adds drama above the timber bed that was bought many years ago at BoConcept in Los Angeles.

Hendrix’s bedroom
Natalie’s decorating flair is evident in her son’s room, where a circular Mexican-style rug delivers a splash of colour. The cot, by Danish company Leander (available from Danish By Design), holds special signif icance. Harper had it first and now Hendrix.