Home Christmas

How to easily hang your Christmas wreath

It's so simple, it sparkles – and it's only $1.99!
Sue Stubbs

We don’t know about you, but every year when it comes to hanging our gorgeous Christmas wreaths on our front doors we enter a debate that divides the HB office: how do you suspend the wreath without damaging the door? We’ve tried driving a nail into the back of the door and then suspending the wreath with heavy-gauge fishing line, or all kinds of hacks that involve thumb tacks, self-adhesive picture-hanging hooks, double-sided tape and the odd blob of Blue-Tac.

Well, the very simple answer to our woes is currently under $2, covered in sparkling gold glitter and so handy that we’re all popping one in our trolley.

Christmas wreath hanger
The Jolly & Joy Metal Wreath Hanger Gold is currently $1.99 from Spotlight.

And here it is – the wreath hanger of our dreams!





The home of Sally Rhys-Jones witha wreath on the front door and a great dane dog
(Credit: Sue Stubbs)

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