Queensland bliss
Coastal Homes of the World by Monique Butterworth (New Holland Publishers Australia) has just been added to our must-read list. Filled with to-lust-for homes that hug coastlands from Queensland to Norway to New York, this book shows us how beachside bliss is possible. Photography: John Gollings, architect James Grose.

Island dreaming
With it understated white palette, this beautiful Hamilton Island home is stunning in its simplicity. Photography: Francesco Giovanelli, architect Renato D’Ettorre.

Seascape sanctuary
It’s cosy and warm inside in this amazing home on the coastline of Pigeon Bay, New Zealand. Photography: Coastal homes of the World, architect Andrew Patterson.

Norway nights
Perched on a cliffside on Manshausen Island in Norway, this seaside cabin has a bird’s eye view. Photography: Steve King, architect Snorre Stinessen.

Spanish soul
The streamlined style of this home in Galicia, Spain makes that stunning vista the star here. Photography Adrian Vasquez, architect Inaki Leite.

Coastal inspiration
Find more dreamy seaside inspiration in Coastal Homes of the World from New Holland Publishers.