It’s finals week on House Rules and the remaining Teams – SA and QLD face their last design challenge to win the competition. We talk to Home Beautiful Editor in Chief and House Rules judge, Wendy Moore about how far they’ve come.

“Both teams have come a long way in designing beautiful living spaces,” Wendy Moore
“It has been so exciting to watch both of these teams evolve through the competition,” says Wendy. “From their stressful beginnings in working out how to renovate a space, both teams are now designing rooms to a brief, creating workable layouts for every room in the house and bringing together a cohesive colour scheme, complete with covetable homewares and forever furniture, at times handmade by their very handy carpenters’ skills!”

Team South Australia, Kate and Harry have gone from strength to strength, creating inviting spaces, colourful quirks and most importantly, meeting the brief led by the House Rules set for each renovation. One of their best success stories was the creation of the kids play area for rival Team QLD, Aaron and Daniella, who loved the fun and funky tropical-inspired space with cubby house, craft station and book corner.

Early in the competition Aaron and Daniella tackled the bonus room in the South Australian renovation for Kate and Harry. Whilst their execution did not earn them extra points, from the judges’ feedback they gained a valuable lessons in designing a space to a brief, and with the homeowners’ needs in mind.