Home Decorate

3 questions to ask yourself before becoming a plant parent

Are you ready to commit?
Eve Wilson

There’s no question that filling your house with indoor plants improves the quality of your life. Not only do they have the potential to provide beautiful decorating features, they purify the air, create a sense of calm and link your indoor space to the outdoors, stimulating the senses.


Caring for indoor plants takes time and patience however and unless you’re prepared to apply a little of both these things, the ongoing health of your indoor garden cannot be guaranteed. Here are three questions to ask yourself before you head to the nursery or plant store.

1. Is there enough light in your home?

Plants need sunlight to survive. Some need more than others, but all will require either filtered or direct sunlight to see them grow and thrive. Take stock of spaces in your home that allow natural light to come in and consider creating space to include plants there.

Some places you hadn’t considered may be:

A high window with a few handy hooks


A high shelf in the kitchen 

A sunny mantlepiece

Hanging plants in the bathroom

A sunny corner in your living room

2. Am I able to care for my plant weekly?

Your plant babies require food and water, just like any other pet. Work out a system where you have a watering can and supply of slow-release fertiliser to apply to your plants on a regular basis. Ask your nursery whether a plant requires any special care before you buy it.

If you’re just getting started, feel your way into the plant parent role by choosing easy-care plants to start with, then build up to fussier varieties as your skills improve and become habit.


3. What do I hope to gain from my indoor plants?

Be honest here. It’s OK to buy a plant with only the short term in mind. Plants last longer than cut flowers so even with a regular investment you may find indoor plants are a great way to bring nature into your space on a rotation and budget you’re prepared to invest in.

Don’t underestimate the reward a collection of plant babies can bring however – once you’ve kept a few alive and thriving, you may find yourself hooked on both the process and the return it brings.


Remember that some indoor plants need less care than others so if you’re often away from home, or are not sure whether you’ll always be able to provide the care your plants require, you might like to opt for a hardier variety that can endure periods of neglect here and there.


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