This artist has a fantastic and fascinating way of looking at our lives and the every day objects in our homes around us. Take a look through the lens of his creative eye.
For over five years Tatsuya Tanaka has been seeing life in a different way to so many of us – almost through a looking glass. What began as a fun endeavour has taken the world by storm, causing him to create dioramas of daily life in miniature and take photographs of his works – sharing one each day to encourage us “to consider everyday life from a miniature point of view”.
The models intricately depict people going about of life at work, home and at play – all constructed using every day objects like food, office supplies and the odd leaf or takeaway container.
With fantastic attention to detail, which at first might be lost in the marvel of the scene itself, the artist’s skill comes to the fore on closer inspection – tiny bicycles parked in a spiral binder, forests of broccoli with families picnicking beneath, a hot air balloon cabbage sailing skyward.
Here’s a snapshot of Miniature Calendar days in recent months:

Books, printed calendars and other goods are available for purchase on the artist’s website, or follow Tatsuya on Instagram. At the very least you may now find yourself looking at your own broccoli and paperclips in a different way …