GLASGLOW, SCOTLAND – DECEMBER 2017: A storm trooper sits on the sofa.
Ever wonder what Star Wars villains do on their days off? Scottish Artist and Photographer, David Gilliver has created miniature Star Wars scenes to celebrate the release of The Last Jedi and we’re in love!
The artist has taken a different view on a day in the life of the work-a-day anti-hero – a Stormtrooper’s gotta eat, right?
Like so many artists, Photographer David Gilliver has come full circle to return to his original art school musings to produce a series of dioramas of Star Wars villains as we’ve never seen them before. “I got told off by my tutors for taking photographs of Star Wars toys whilst working my way through my Fine Art Photography degree. Well, it’s finally time to return to this theme and pick things up where I left off. I hope my old tutors REALLY enjoy this particular body of work,” enthuses David.
Ironing shirts, wrangling kids, walking the dog… we can all relate. Whilst we might draw the line at snuggling up on the sofa with Jabba the Hutt, let’s face it, sometimes our work lives feel like they resemble that of Darth Varder.
Our favourite part? The closer you look, the more of David’s incredible attention to detail you appreciate.
See his full portfolio here.
Related: Miniature Life – incredible models of daily life by Tatsuya Tanaka