Home Kitchen

Room recipe: chic country kitchen

This room with a view is actually the result of a clever weekend makeover
Chris Warnes

You’d be surprised at how far you can stretch your decorating dollar to completely makeover a small kitchen. Here’s our room recipe to show you how.

Before and After: Chic country kitchen | Home Beautiful Magazine Australia
(Credit: Chris Warnes)

“We have less storage than in our previous home, but it makes us appreciate what we use day to day”

Imogene, Homeowner
Chic country kitchen | Home Beautiful Magazine Australia
(Credit: Chris Warnes)


Plenty of crisp, light paint – Pearl Ash, Dulux


Open shelving – ‘Ekby Östen’ shelves with ‘Ekby Bjärnum’ silver brackets, Ikea

New drawer pulls – Recollections

Stone slab benchtops – ‘Essential Stone’ quartz in Creme Caramel, Bunnings

Loose chair covers – ‘Henriksdal’  covers, Ikea


Hamptons-style pendants – Ebay

Timber-look flooring – ‘Design 260’ vinyl flooring in Vacano Black, Carpet Court


1. Cover walls with lashings of light paint and trim woodwork with glossy white


2. Replace benchtop with sleek, hardwearing stone surface

3. Accent with up-to-the-minute modern country fixtures and finishes in silver and chrome

4. Dress open shelves with a mixture of new and vintage pieces

5. Choose furnishings with an elegant French country feel


“I wanted a floor colour that would hide marks”

Imogene, Homeowner
Chic country kitchen | Room Recipe | Home Beautiful Magazine Australia
(Credit: Chris Warnes)

For another room recipe click here.

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