If you ever experience the urge to splurge on kitchen appliances that are bound to make time spent in your kitchen easier than ever before, then you’ve come to the right place. In episode six of HBTV‘s Cooks Co-op, chef Martin Boetz is put to the task of highlighting the top-notch tech items he dreams to own in his home kitchen. From a fabulous fridge to a stunning stove, here are the three appliances on the top of Marty’s appliance wishlist.
Lust-have kitchen appliances
1. 900mm-wide cooker
“A lot of people ask me… should I have two ovens or one?” explains Marty. If you’re prone to hosting the whole crew at your place, on a regular basis, Marty suggests you lean towards selecting a large 900mm-wide cooker. “It’s got five burners – the middle one is great because it’s really big and you can fit a big stock pot on [top], so I can do a few things while I’m actually making a stock at the same time” he says. As for the benefits of a larger oven? Marty loves this model for it’s cooking capacity. “I can fit lots of stuff in there; roasting at the same time” he remarks.
Featured product: Smeg 900mm Victoria Collection Freestanding Cooker in Black

2. Strong blender
High up Marty’s list of lust-have appliances is a terrific blender, powered by great strength. “A really, really good strong blender makes great ice-cream. Also, it makes amazing curry paste… It really has that strength to get all those ingredients really fine” he says. Shop for a model that shows good versatility and then you can easily adapt it to suit your culinary needs. “Change the attachment and you can blend dry spices… You can even make flour, which is really interesting for people who are making bread with different grains.”
Featured model: Vitamix Ascent Series High-Performance Blender

3. Smart fridge
It’s the connection to your home’s wi-fi that enables a smart fridge to be on its game and pack in more clever features than previously possible. “The technology allows you to do some really cools things, like do your shopping from your fridge door, [and] access recipes” highlights Marty. And if you’ve ever ended up at the grocery store and can’t quite recall how much milk is left in the bottle or what ingredients you already have for dinner, Marty notes that this model has an internal camera “which allows you to look inside your fridge from your phone, anywhere, anytime”. Clever!
Featured product: Samsung Family Hub 634L French Door Fridge