Home Decorate

9 indoor plants that are both beautiful and easy to care for

Refresh your home with one (or all) of these easy-care indoor plants.

If you’ve ever looked around a room and thought it just needed something extra, the missing ingredient could very well be an indoor plant. Indoor plants really are the best – and not just when it comes to making a house feel like a home. Studies have shown time and time again that plants can boost wellbeing, purify the air and even prevent snoring! 


Uncertain about which indoor plant is best for your home? First, take inspiration from the spot in your home you’d like to fill. Does it receive plenty of natural light? Or is it humid, like a bathroom? Perhaps you’re styling a shelf and want a plant that will trail down elegantly. 

Next, consider your lifestyle. Do you need a plant that you can ‘set and forget’? Or would you prefer the challenge of a pernickety plant that likes every condition just so? 

Now it’s time to peruse these 9 easy care indoor plants and find the one that is best suited to your home. 

1. Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa)

There’s no doubt you’ve seen the “swiss cheese plant” all over Pinterest as they’re one of the most popular indoor plants. Monstera plants prefer a warm climate away from direct sunlight and they benefit from regular cleaning with a soft, damp cloth.


It’s important to let the top 4cm of soil dry out between waterings as over-watering may lead to root rot. Signs of root rot include yellowing or wilting leaves.

Monsteras should enjoy conditions that are fairly humid, so avoid placing them near air vents or any area with artificial heating or cooling. To keep potted monsteras in tip-top condition, ensure you feed them a good quality indoor plant fertiliser in spring and summer.

Monsteras also like to climb, so provide them with some kind of stake or trellis for support.

Monstera deliciosa indoor plant on bar table
(Photography: Mindi Cooke) (Credit: Photography: Mindi Cooke)

2. Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

Devil’s ivy, also known as golden pothos or pothos, is a fast-growing vine that is very forgiving to grow. It is suited to almost any position in the house, whether potted in a hanging basket or placed in a glass vase.

The leaves are waxy and heart shaped and colouring depends on cultivar – Wilcoxii are a mottled white and green, Marble Queen have more of a cream and greyish-green colouring, Neon is a shade of bright, light greeny-yellow and Tricolor have green leaves with yellow, light green and cream dappling.

They’re highly drought tolerant and don’t require regular fertilisation. Water Devil’s Ivy deeply once a week and cut back to every other week in winter. Spring and summer is the best time to prune and propagate devil’s ivy, placing the cuttings in glass jars of water to encourage rooting.

Devil's ivy indoor plant trailing down a shelf in a Scandi-style living room
(Photography: John Downs | Styling : Kylie Jackes) (Credit: Photography: John Downs | Styling : Kylie Jackes)

3. Imperial bromeliad (Alcantarea imperialis ‘rubra’)

Don’t be intimidated by the Bromeliad. Although once regarded as a plant for the advanced gardener, these beautifully coloured rosette-forming perennials make for easy, low maintenance houseplants.

When indoors, they need medium to bright light (but not direct sunlight) and do well in shallow pots with fast drainage. You can water the plant by filling the central cup (otherwise known as the tank) of the plant once a week during the warmer months and less during winter.

Make sure you flush it on a regular basis to prevent water stagnation. As they are not heavy feeders, you can drop a slow-release fertiliser into the cup of the plant or mix it into the soil, once a season.

4. Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

Spathiphyllum, commonly known as the Peace Lily, has long been a popular house and office plant. It was even included in NASA’s list of the best air purifying plants.


It has glossy, dark green foliage and stunning white flowers, usually growing between 45 to 65 centimetres tall. These tropical plants thrive in bright, indirect light, they can handle low light but that may cause them to bloom poorly. 

A peace lily will usually only need to be watered and misted once a week in warmer months, less often in winter. They hate soggy or wet soil and they’re prone to root rot so let the plants dry out between watering.

Be sure to wipe down the foliage to prevent dust from building up. Make sure it is kept away from pets or children who may be tempted to chew it. Peace lily is a poisonous plant that may cause severe discomfort if ingested.

Monochrome living room with potted peace lily in the corner
(Photography: Helen Ward) (Credit: Photography: Helen Ward)

5. Mother-in-law’s Tongue (Dracaena trifasciata)

Another low maintenance houseplant is the Snake Plant, otherwise known as mother-in-law’s tongue. Until 2017, the plant was also known as the Sanseveiera trifasciata.

This upright, succulent plant can grow up to two metres and is extremely hardy. It takes a lot to kill it, so this is another great option for those who tend to neglect their plants. It should be placed in bright light with some direct sun for several hours a day. It will tolerate shade, however the plant will take longer to grow.

Moderate water is required, with the root ball remaining slightly damp in summer, but dryer in winter to avoid rotting. Don’t overwater, as the plant would prefer to be too dry than too damp.

6. Zanzibar Gem (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

This stunning plant not only looks great, it has been hailed as being ‘almost indestructible’ and is perfect for those who tend to neglect their plants, as it is drought resistant. Native to Africa, it has deep, green glossy leaves and is able to survive a long period without water.


The reason the Zanzibar Gem is so hardy is due to its ability to store water in its potato-like tuber. To care for your Zanzibar Gem, don’t over-water it or sit it in water. In fact it thrives on neglect and prefers you don’t water it too often. Once a month is enough.

It’s best placed in a bright to light shaded area, however it will tolerate a shady spot, but will just take longer to grow. Keep it out of direct sunlight as the plant can burn. You can add a slow-release fertiliser in spring and re-pot if you notice the root starting to bulge.

Timber and black bathroom with hanging potted zanzibar gem plants
A pair of Zanzibar gems hang in planters suspended from hooks in a black and timber bathroom. (Photography: Marnie Hawson)

7. Flamingo Flower (Anthurium andraeanum)

These popular indoor plants originally from Columbia, feature long, dark-green leathery leaves and produce beautiful, red, pink and white heart-shaped ‘flowers’ that can last for weeks. The ‘flowers’ are actually spathes, which are a leaf-like bract that surrounds a cylindrical spike.


In order for the plant to bloom, it requires bright light (but not direct sun). It can grow up to 45cm high and soil needs to be kept evenly moist from spring to autumn and slightly drier in winter.

The Anthurium benefits from being fertilised every two weeks in spring and summer with a high-phosphorus liquid fertiliser.

Selling Houses Australia Wendy Moore Home Christmas Bathroom
(Credit: Photography: Cath Muscat/The Interiors Edit / Styling: Imogene Abady)

8. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum)

If you’re prepared to give a maidenhair fern the TLC it needs then it can make a beautiful addition to your home. They have feathery, light green leaves with soft shiny stems and they make a great hanging plant. Not only do they look fragile, maidenhair ferns truly are the goldilocks of the plant world when it comes to care instructions.


They require not too much light, but not too little, and are the kind of plant that does well in a bathroom setting. To DIY a rainforest environment, place a saucer filled with pebbles beneath the potted plant. Then, fill the saucer with water to just below the top of the pebbles and as the water evaporates, it creates a humid microclimate around the plant. 

mid century inspred living room with maidenhair fern on the coffee table
(Photography: Simon Whitbread) (Credit: Photography: Simon Whitbread)

9. Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)

With shiny leaves in shades of dark green and burgundy, the rubber plant or rubber fig is très on trend when it comes to house plants. It can either stay small in a little pot or be encouraged to grow into a large indoor tree.

It’s a hardy, temperature-resilient option that likes bright, indirect light with weekly watering in warmer seasons and in colder seasons it can survive on monthly or fortnightly watering. 

Coastal living room with rubber tree in corner
(Photography: Simon Whitbread | Styling: Jessica Bellef) (Credit: Photography: Simon Whitbread | Styling: Jessica Bellef)

Shop plant products


Hanging plant pot

$42, Quality Products Direct

Best for: Hanging botanicals

This hanging plant pot is a beautiful way to display plants indoors. Made from jute, it has an internal PVC liner to prevent any spills or drips. It’s perfect for hanging ferns and trailing plants.

Size: Height 14cm x diameter 20cm (with a 25cm base)

Colours: Cream

Materials: Jute

Key features:

  • Handwoven jute
  • Holds up to 5kg
  • Internal PVC liner


1.1L indoor watering can in Chalk

$55, Quality Products Direct

Best for: Watering plants

This elegant indoor watering can is designed with the British countryside in mind, the slender spout targets watering and the generous handle hangs beautifully over a tap. Lovely to hold and pour, it’s a stylish way to tend to your indoor plants.

Size: Width 35cm x depth 13.5cm x height 20cm

Colours: Chalk (pictured), Silver

Materials: Powder coated galvanised steel

Key features:

  • Holds 1.1 litres
  • Slender spout for targeted watering
  • Galvanised steel


Garden potting gloves in Sage

$63.50, Quality Products Direct

Best for: Protecting hands

The palms and fingers of these gloves are made from soft yet hard-wearing fabric that doesn’t go stiff when it’s wet. Stetch mesh between the fingers helps to prevent hands from over-heating and improves dexterity. An adjustable strap prevents dirt and debris from getting inside. The striped design is stylish and classic.

Size: One size fits all (ladies small to medium)

Colours: Brown and navy denim with a white ticking stripe

Materials: Mostly cotton

Key features:

  • Machine washable to 30 degrees
  • Soft yet hard-wearing fabric
  • Adjustable strap


Sophie Conran for Burgon & Ball gardening fork

$55, Quality Products Direct

Best for: Loosening soil

Sharpened tine ends help this gardening fork to slip into the soil with minimal effort. It’s a helpful tool for potting plants and a stylish addition to any gardener’s tool set, thanks to the gold detail.

Size: 26.5cm length x 7.5cm width

Materials: Stainless steel with beechwood handle

Key features:

  • Beechwood handle
  • Stainless steel fork
  • Gift boxed


Secateurs in Sage

$35.90, Hoselink

Best for: Pruning

Made from Japanese steel, these high-quality secateurs are handy for quick snips and plant trims. They’re durable and sharp with an ergonomically-designed handle. When you’ve finished using them, fasten the safety lock for easy storing.

Size: 22cm length

Colours: Sage (pictured), Peach

Materials: Japanese steel, with plastic-covered aluminium handles

Key features:

  • Ergonomic handles
  • Designed for heavy-duty cutting
  • Safety lock
Olive tree.


Artificial olive tree

$589, The Plant Project

Best for: Mediterranean interiors

The easiest plant to care for is, of course, an artificial one. This stylish Olive tree from The Plant Project is a easy and elegant way to bring a little Mediterranean style into your space.

Sizes: 150cm, 170cm

Colours: Green

Materials: Artificial

Key features:

  • Two sizes available
  • Realistic bark and leaves
  • Life-like olives


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