The iconic lamington hardly needs an introduction. Delicate sponge squares rolled in chocolate and coconut, with a delightful raspberry inner layer – what could be better? But for those unfamiliar, the lamington has a storied history dating back to the 1900s. The beloved sponge is said to have originated in Lord Lamington’s kitchen in a happy accident when a servant or chef dropped a sponge cake into chocolate icing. Other stories suggest lamingtons were just a quick and easy way to satisfy unexpected guests.
Either way, if any Australian cake deserves its own special day, it’s the lamington! So why not celebrate by whipping up this quick and easy recipe? If you opt to use a premade sponge cake, it takes only a few minutes for a delicious payoff.
Cut a sponge cake in half horizontally. Sandwich the two halves together with raspberry conserve. Cut into 24 x 1-inch squares.
Sift pure icing sugar and cocoa powder into a bowl. Stir in melted butter and milk, then whisk until smooth.
Using a fork to hold each lamington, dip in chocolate mixture until completely covered.
Allow excess mixture to drip off, then roll in shredded coconut. Place lamingtons on a wire rack to set.