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Garden design series: A step-by-step guide to planning your dream garden

The New Year is all about fresh starts, so turn over a new leaf and start planning your dream garden – here’s how.
Photography: Allie Aszodi

The New Year offers an excellent opportunity to evaluate any alfresco areas you may want to transform or update. Whether you’re starting 2025 with a blank canvas outside or have an existing garden that needs a refresh, this new series of monthly landscape design guides will assist you with each step. Not everyone has the budget for a designer, gardener or landscaper, so together we’ll explore how to plan and cultivate your very own outdoor oasis.


A step-by-step guide to planning your garden design

Planning a garden design in 2025.
The New Year is the perfect time to start planning your dream garden. Photography: Allie Aszodi

1. Create a vision of your dream garden

First, grab a notepad and pen, find a comfortable spot in your garden to relax, and take a moment to observe the space around you. What does your heart desire for this area? Is it entertaining friends and family? Do you want to give your kids space to play? Have you always longed to grow productive fruit and vegies? Write the dream down.

2. Balance your wants and needs

Planning your dream garden in 2025.
A wants and needs list will help you decide what to include in your new outdoor space. Photography: Allie Aszodi

Next, create two headings: ‘Wish List’ and ‘Must Haves’. Below each, jot down what you would like to include in your outdoor area and what’s essential. For instance, you may want a swimming pool or a kitchen garden, though you might need a clothesline. Keep both lists realistic, considering your budget and the size of your garden.


3. Survey your outdoor space

If you have a new build, your builder or developer should provide you with a survey, though if you’re planning a large acreage you may want to hire a professional (just keep in mind this can be expensive). Alternatively, to roughly sketch your own, start by mapping your property lines using a scaled ruler and pencil, adding any existing trees you want to keep, plus service locations or easements.

4. Map the path of the sun

Planning a garden in 2025.
Photography: Allie Aszodi

Take some time to observe and mark how the sun moves across your property. This is crucial to determine which plants will thrive and it’ll help you decide where you’d like any outdoor seating. Additionally, mark any neighbouring views or obstacles you’d like to block, such as overlooking second-storey windows or an unsightly power pole.

5. Learn your soil type

Ashley James planning a garden.
A well-designed garden requires a thought-out plan. (Credit: Allie Aszodi)

Knowing your soil type is vital, particularly for new builds that may have had soil brought in or removed. To do this, dig a hole about 20cm x 40cm wide and at least 40cm deep. This should reveal whether your soil is clay, sandy or sandy loam, which is crucial information that will guide your plant selection and point to any drainage needs

6. Identify your pH levels

Finally, you’ll want to test the pH levels of your soil, so purchase a pH testing kit from your local hardware store, which will have all the necessary tools and instructions. Your garden’s pH levels go a long way in dictating which plants will thrive and can be adjusted over time if need be. Next month, I’ll guide you through the subsequent steps to create your dream garden.

Keep following along for part two of Home Beautiful’s garden design series with Ashley James.

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