Winter is a wonderful time to snuggle down and focus on the space around you – a time to nurture your surroundings and those with whom you share space every day. But are we missing the point?
The idea of hibernation certainly appeals more and more as the pace of life continues to over-stimulate the senses and stress levels. Here are five ways to switch off, unwind and nurture your creative spirit, with a little help from your surroundings.
1. Write a letter

Let’s bring back the art of letter writing with a focus on reflection and connection. Unplug from social media, Netflix and even your favourite podcast to just, be. Begin a journal to record thoughts and wishes for daily contemplation.
“Evoke a sense of nostalgia by returning to the art of letter writing”

2. Read a book
Put your favourite armchair to good use and have it well and truly earn its keep. Set yourself up with a fluffy rug, a cup of tea and just the right amount of light to sink yourself into someone else’s world for a time.

3. Move your body
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 63% of Australians aged 18 and over are overweight or obese so perhaps we shouldn’t take the idea of hibernation too literally. Moving our body through exercise and exploration promotes a healthy mind too and winter is a wonderful time for exploration in nature. Rug up and get outside – walk along the beach in the wind or amble along a country road, taking time to explore the world around you.
4. Get creative
Fire up your imagination by using your hands and mind to create something brand new – just for yourself. Expel the idea of perfection and simply go with the flow. Drag out your neglected knitting project, pop into your art store for some modelling clay, set up a sketch pad or dust off your old camera. Immerse yourself in the joy creative process over any fixed ideas of an end result.

5. Rest and unwind
Build time into your daily routine and weekends to include a little downtime. Sticking to a regular sleep routine is essential to good health and creating an optimum sleep environment is key to promoting a good night’s sleep.

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