“A week or weekend in a caravan was like living in a Swiss Army Knife…”
Read the whole story here: Unsung Icons: Caravans

“There was no better piece of furniture in which to expand your consciousness…”
Find the full story here: Unsung Icons: Beanbags

Wishing wells
“Ripped straight out of a fable and concreted into a suburban plot, these were a beloved Australian garden fixture for decades…”
Find the full story here: Unsung icons: Wishing wells

Games room
“The only thing greener than its luxurious emerald baize would be the envy of those who gazed upon it…”
Find the full story here: Unsung icons: Games room

House names
“Really, it was like naming a child, albeit one whose renovations would cost way more than braces, but not as much as private schools…”
Find the full article here: Unsung icons: House names

Fridge magnets
“Long before check-ins on social media, you could tell where a person had been simply by looking at their Kelvinator…”
Find the full article here: Unsung icons: Fridge magnets

“Depending on what the fascination du jour happened to be, the letterbox could be decorated to resemble a Transformer, Pokemon or, in contemporary terms, that character Elsa who seems to have mammoth amounts of thermal underwear under her ballgown…”
Find the full article here: Unsung icons: Letterboxes